Through the LADOT Sidewalk Bike Parking System, the City introduces bike racks in the general population right-of-way (City property). Bike racks give secure and advantageous, here and now bicycle parking at office structures, organizations, or stores situated along open sidewalks.

Sort of Rack

The LADOT Sidewalk Bike Parking System utilizes a rearranged U bicycle rack. It is a 36″ tall, 2 3/8″ thick excited pipe that can hold two bicycles. The rack has no sharp edges or moving parts, and is for all intents and purposes upkeep free. The rack gives great help to the bicycle, and clients can bolt both the haggles to the rack for expanded security.

Bike Rack Establishment

Bike racks are introduced at the demand of entrepreneurs or nationals. In spite of the fact that racks are the property of the City of Los Angeles and the City accepts accountability for the rack, the City isn't in charge of bikes stopped at racks. LADOT Bike Program staff will catch up on submitted sidewalk bike parking applications. There is no charge for a bicycle parking rack and establishment is free. On the off chance that you see a rack has turned out to be free or harmed please email Gwen von Klan at

Bike Rack Area Criteria

LADOT introduces bike racks in the general population right-of-path inside the City of Los Angeles. Racks are set close to the control, in accordance with existing road furniture, and far from stopped autos keeping in mind the end goal to conform to ADA necessities and to evade clashes with people on foot and stopped vehicles. Racks are likewise set to not impede building portals and crosswalks. Racks are commonly not introduced at travel areas because of the likelihood of robbery and strife with transport boarding and landing.

Demand a Bike Rack

To decide whether your area meets all requirements for the program, please audit the bike rack area criteria above. Bike rack solicitations can be submitted on the web.

Bike Rack Ask for Satisfaction

Solicitations for sidewalk bike parking are satisfied through a multi-step process. The initial move towards establishment is assessing the practicality of introducing bike parking at destinations where demands have been made. Second, if the area is endorsed, LADOT Bike Program staff will stamp the future rack area utilizing study paint. On the off chance that you happen to witness recognize our blemish on the sidewalk, your demand has been endorsed and submitted to our contractual worker's establishment line.

With a specific end goal to introduce racks proficiently, we commonly stamp new rack areas by Committee Region and introduce them topographically, instead of in the correct request they are asked. Rack establishment times can differ contingent upon the contractual worker's workload. On the off chance that you have put a demand or are uncertain if a demand has been put at an area, please allude to our online LADOT Dynamic Transportation ventures outline.