Join over 2,000 angelino families, and enjoy a great day of bicycling with your kids along the LA River and through DTLA to Long Beach and with five rides to look over, going from 2 to 100 miles, there's an affair for everybody at the LA River Ride. Draw out the little ones for a free 2-mile Kids' Ride, or pedal with the entire family at our 15-mile Family Ride (one enrollment covers a group of 5!). Prepare up with our 36-mile Ride or dive into the Metric Century Plus, covering 68 miles.

For those needing to stretch it as far as possible, the Century Ride will go from Griffith Park to Long Beach – and back – and is an incredible, level course for first-time Century riders! Additionally, we're arranging an astounding post-ride expo this year, so prepare to party when you complete your ride! All returns advantage crafted by the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, a non-benefit association attempting to make all groups in LA County solid, safe, and fun spots to ride bikes.

The LA River Routes ::

18th Annual LA River Ride route information via RideWithGPS (subject to change):

100-Mile Century (7 AM start)
Metric Century Plus (7:45 AM start)
36-Mile Ride (8:30 AM start)
15-Mile Family Ride (11 AM start)
2-Mile Kids’ Ride (9 AM start)